Sign Up
Upload Your Artwork & Start Applying!
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Terms & Conditions

You must agree to the terms and conditions to set up an account.
- You must login to continue the application process.
- Create an account below if you do not have an account already.
- ZAPP™ is free to artists! Finish creating your account to gain access to fairs and festivals nationwide.

** Required fields are in bold

30 characters maximum
Please enter a valid email address.
Email address does not match.
7 characters minimum, at least 1 capital letter & number
Passwords do not match.
Middle initial must be a letter.
NOTE: Please input your information exactly as you want it to appear on booth signs, mailings, registration packets, name tags, etc. (e.g. John Smith vs. John smith or JOHN SMITH).
(Required) Are you an individual or a team?
Please indicate if you are an individual or a team.
(Required) Do you work with associates?
Please indicate if you work with associates.
(Required) We collect demographic information to better our understanding of the art fair and festival industry. Would you like to participate?
Please indicate if you would like to provide demographic information.
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Team Collaborator

List your collaborator. If you are the sole creator of your artwork, return to the previous page and select "Individual".


Artist Associates

If you work with associates, enter their names. Associates typically assist in some capacity but do not directly contribute in making artwork.


Add Artist Associate #2

Add Artist Associate #3
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Contact Information

Select Country of residence.
The State field is required.
Enter ZIP Code
Enter Phone Number
Please enter a valid URL format if you have a website, protocol can be http:// or https://
Please enter a valid URL format if you have a selling website, protocol can be http:// or https://
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What type of profile are you creating?

(Required) Select a Medium (3 maximum)

Choose up to three (3) disciplines that describe your work.
This information will not display to event administrators. You will still be required to select a medium for every event application.

{{veeErrors.items[0].rule == "maxContains" ? "Please select between one and three mediums." : "Please choose at least one medium that describes your artistic work."}}
(Required) Select a Category (3 maximum)

Choose up to three (3) categories that describe your work.
This information does not display to event administrators. You will still be required to identify on various applications.

{{veeErrors.items[0].rule == "maxContains" ? "Please select between one and three categories." : "Please choose at least one category that describes your work." }}
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Demographic Information

We are collecting demographic information to develop a better idea of the current art fair and festival industry demographics. Every question in this section is completely optional and will only be used to develop statistics on the ZAPP user base. Demographic information is not shared with event administrators and will not impact any applications.

What is your race/ethnicity? Check all that apply. Select None
What is your gender identity? Select None
What are your pronouns? Select None
What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received? Select None
Do you identify as a person with any of the following disabilities? Please check all that apply. Select None
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ZAPP Communication

ZAPP™ does not send you mail or email without your permission. Opt in or out of specific lists below.

ZAPP Communication

ZAPP™ does not send you mail or email without your permission. Opt in or out of specific lists below.

A weekly email with approaching deadlines and recently opened applications.
Periodic emails about events. These emails will be sent from ZAPP on behalf of the show.
Periodic emails regarding ZAPP updates, bug fixes, or other system news.
Receive mailed advertisements about an event's application cycle.